Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Teaching & other news..

programme update

Demand for the English classes are growing.  Disho Thitopogho now has 3 classes with a total of 14 students which is probably as many as he can cope with.  He is struggling to manage pastoring the Shadikongoro church, care for his family and work on the local development farm.

Anton Mberema's Thimbukushu classes are also developing, although the original class has now reduced to 4 students, he has started another class at Shadikongoro which is growing.  Anton continues to translate the material, produce notes in Thimbukushu and mark all the tests.  Thank the Lord for a computer made available by NETS and a printer from Dave Greeff, means he can now run off copies of the notes for the students.

.. other news
A friend and loyal supporter of ministry out of Dihokohoko, Thimbi Ngore died last week.  Please pray with us that the long saga to register the properties is finalised.  Recently Ngore managed to convince the chief to approve the application, after years of the Fumu trying to expropriate the houses.

Anton has launched a Farming God's Way project at Dihokohoko after receiving assistance from Zimbabwean friends who trained the local community in January of this year.  Pray that this farming method grows and improves the yields of mahango and vegetables in the area.

Without input from the EBC leadership, it appears that the opportunity to utilise the housing at Dihokohoko for income generation is not happening.  Unfortunately the people using the houses at the moment are not even contributing to the costs of running the place.  Please pray for opportunities to lease out the unused houses to make money to assist the pastors and provide equipment and resources for evangelism.

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